photo: @CreateCultivate Chicago Conference
I'll get right to it.. In an attempt to be at my peak productivity level, I’ve been using the time that I’m driving or getting ready, to listen to podcasts & take some online classes. I never want to become comfortable or stagnant whether it’s in my marriage or my business. There is still so much to learn! And we are all in the pursuit of happiness in one way or another.. right?
I love lists… So, here is a list of a few things I’ve learned about business & people.
1) Who invented the expression "fake it till you make it”? It literally makes my skin crawl. Why do you have to fake it? No successful people got to where they are by faking it. It’s okay to ask for help, or to admit that you don’t know something. I’ve learned so much in the past couple years by asking questions. Lots of them! This day in age, people’s bullshit detectors are through the roof and they can sense when you’re faking it, and pretending to be someone you’re not. You would be surprised at how excited people are to share their expertise if you ask nicely enough. After all, you get what you want by helping others get what they want. Ask me anything! If I know the answer, I'll tell you.
2) You may not be where you want in life, but remember there is always someone who is further ahead of you and someone who is further behind. Don’t look at someone who you deem to be successful and start justifying their success because they received financial help or they didn’t have to over-come the same obstacles as you. Get tunnel vision and stop looking at what other people are doing. If you're a person who constantly compares your self to others then block those distractions out of your life.
3) When thinking about starting a business, think about the WHY. Not someone else’s why, but your own. I opened Uni+Koncept because it was necessary. I felt like there was a need for more women’s boutiques in Waterloo. Not just retail boutiques, but places for women to go and meet other like-minded individuals. The goal is to leave feeling better than how you felt walking in. What do you think is missing in your community? What can you bring to the table? Don’t take your self too seriously, and don’t take other people too seriously. Just because you are doing what you love, doesn’t mean you’ll love every minute of it. Be prepared for that.
4) Just DO IT! Do not over think it. One of the podcasts mentioned “if you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product then you launched too late.” It’s a fact! Nothing will ever be perfect the first time around. It’s no secret that my original location was far from ideal, but I made it work, and learned tons of lessons along the way. What are you waiting for?! What’s holding you back?! If you ever want to bounce ideas off each other, let me know.
5) Are you lacking the confidence to start a business or enter a new relationship? On a podcast with Ed Mylett he mentioned the best way to build confidence is to keep the promises you make to your self. I freaking loved it!! The idea is that we are deceived so much in life and that’s how people lose their innocence and naivety. But, if you follow through with the promises that you make to your self, it builds up your confidence and shows you that you’re stronger than you thought. For me it was when I was 20 years old, and went to do a year abroad in the South of France. I didn’t even know where I was going to live since I declined living in the student residences. There were days when I was super lonely, and other days where I was living my best life. The point is that I learned how to be comfortable with being alone; while sticking to the promise that I made to complete a year abroad and not quit because I was homesick. To this day, I think back to that moment, and how proud I was to have successfully completed the year. That experience has instilled the confidence in me to set other goals and chase the high of accomplishing them. At the end of the day if you can’t keep the promises you make to your self then why would you expect anyone else to? Start with your self! But it also helps to remember, that NO ONE is confident all the time.
Thoughts, questions, comments?
Podcasts that I love : TSC Him & Her, Ed Mylett, Pardon My French, The Maker's Collective, Bossy Women